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OP215GS Datasheet with Chat AI
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    Hello, Please ask a question about OP215GS Datasheet

  • Example questions: 1. What is the minimum guaranteed input bias current of the OP215 operational amplifier at 125°C?
    2. What are some of the features of the OP215 dual precision JFET-input operational amplifier?
    3. How is the low input offset voltage achieved in the OP215 operational amplifier according to the provided information?

  • Part No.OP215GS
    Size145 Kbytes
    Pages8 pages
    DescriptionDual Precision JFET-Input Operational Amplifier
    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The document provides information about the OP215, a dual precision JFET-input operational amplifier manufactured by Analog Devices.
    It includes features, specifications, ordering information, package types, pin configuration, absolute maximum ratings, and typical performance characteristics.
    The OP215 offers high speed, low input bias current, low input offset voltages, and low drift.
    It is suitable for applications such as high-speed amplifiers for current output DACs, active filters, sample-and-hold buffers, and photocell amplifiers.
    The document also includes a caution about ESD sensitivity and provides information about military processed devices and obsolete parts.

    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The document provides information about the OP215, a dual precision JFET-input operational amplifier manufactured by Analog Devices.
    It includes features, specifications, ordering information, package types, pin configuration, absolute maximum ratings, and typical performance characteristics.
    The OP215 offers high speed, low input bias current, low input offset voltages, and low drift.
    It is suitable for applications such as high-speed amplifiers for current output DACs, active filters, sample-and-hold buffers, and photocell amplifiers.
    The document also includes a caution about ESD sensitivity and provides information about military processed devices and obsolete parts.

    Part No.OP215GS
    Size145 Kbytes
    Pages8 pages
    DescriptionDual Precision JFET-Input Operational Amplifier
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