전자부품 데이터시트 검색엔진 |
검색된 단어 : 'ALTERNISTOR' - Total: 21 (1/2) Pages |
제조업체 | 부품명 | 데이터시트 | 상세설명 |
List of Unclassifed Man... |
Q8025NH6RP |
188Kb/10P |
Alternistor Triacs |
Teccor Electronics |
Q2006RH4 |
536Kb/7P |
Alternistor Triacs? |
Littelfuse |
QJ8012XHX |
596Kb/8P |
12 Amp High Temperature Alternistor Triacs |
HQ6025XH5 |
645Kb/8P |
25 Amp High Temperature Alternistor Triacs | |
583Kb/9P |
25 Amp High Temperature Alternistor Triacs | |
443Kb/7P |
16 A High Temperature Alternistor Triacs 07/05/22 |
Q4025K6TP |
1,005Kb/11P |
25 Amp Standard & Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
Q2006LH4 |
182Kb/10P |
Alternistor Triacs (6 A to 40 A) | |
Q4010N5RP |
967Kb/9P |
10 Amp Standard & Alternistor (High Communitation) Triacs | |
Q4025N5RP |
320Kb/11P |
25 Amp Standard & Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
Q6025J6TP |
278Kb/11P |
25 Amp Standard Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
Q6040K7TP |
741Kb/7P |
Teccor짰 brand Thyristors 40 Amp Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
497Kb/8P |
8 Amp High Temperature Sensitive & Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
Q6008DH3RP |
435Kb/14P |
8 Amp Sensitive, Standard & Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
E71639 |
999Kb/14P |
8 Amp Sensitive, Standard & Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
Q6040J7TP |
703Kb/7P |
Teccor짰 brand Thyristors 40 Amp Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
Q6016LH651 |
974Kb/9P |
15 Amp Standard & 16 Amp Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
554Kb/8P |
6 Amp High Temp Sensitive & Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs | |
LJ6008D8RP |
537Kb/11P |
8 Amp High Temp Sensitive,Standard & Alternistor(High Communication)Triacs Revised: GD. 05/07/21 |
HQ6025RH5 |
237Kb/8P |
25Amp bi-directional Alternistor Triac is designed for AC switching and phase |
1 2 > |
1 2 > |
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