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D-1409 데이터시트(PDF) 2 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
D-1409 데이터시트(HTML) 2 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
2 / 54 page 1 RESISTANCE WELDING PRODUCTS The little “TUFFALOY man” is now seventy years old. It was in 1937 that Welding Sales & Engineering Company of Detroit introduced a new line of resistance welding alloys tradenamed TUFFALOY. What began as just a part of a general line of welding equipment soon became their main business, as electrode holders and other resistance welding accessories were added to the TUFFALOY product line. Today this now-familiar name represents the most innovative and respected resistance welding alloy and accessory company in the field. Even a catalog as comprehensive as this one does not fully show everything TUFFALOY is capable of supplying. We have the ability to answer needs that we have yet to hear about. So, if you don’t find the answers in these pages, tell us what you’re looking for. Let us work with you in finding solutions. Call your TUFFALOY distributor or TUFFALOY Customer Services at 1-800-521-3722 or 864-879-0763. (Fax: 864-877-2212) Visit our Internet site at: http://www.tuffaloy.com STANDARD ELECTRONICS RWMA Straight tips 2 TUFFCAP caps and shanks 5 Standard bent electrodes 8 Miscellaneous electrodes 11 Back up electrodes 12 Threaded electrodes 13 Swivel tips 14 Refractory metal-faced tips 14 WELDING TIP HOLDERS Cylinder-mounted holders 15 Tip adapters 16 Multi-spot barrel and clamp 17 Straight holders 18 Offset holders and welder arms 22 Variable-offset holders 24 Paddle-type holders 25 Platen-mounted holders 28 Fast-follow-up holders 39 HIGH PRESSURE WELDING Tips and holders 26 NUT AND STUD WELDING’ Tips and holders 29 Auto nut feeder system components 31 GH series nutwelding heads 32 5 RW stud electrodes 33 MULTIPLE WELDING Dual-tip adapters 34 Dual-tip holders 35 Equa-Press holders 36 Triple-tip holders 38 RESISTANCE WELDING ALLOYS Welder arms 22 Bar stock 40 Refractory metals and forgings 41 ACCESSORIES Shunts and jumpers 42 Miscellaneous 43 Weld force gauges 44 WELDING DATA 46 HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS 49 STANDARD ELECTRODES WELDING TIP HOLDERS HIGH PRESSURE WELDING NUT AND STUD WELDING RESISTANCE WELDING ALLOYS MULTIPLE WELDING ACCESSORIES TUFFALOY table of contents © Copyright Tuffaloy Products, 2007, 2009 |
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