전자부품 데이터시트 검색엔진 |
D-1409 데이터시트(PDF) 3 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
D-1409 데이터시트(HTML) 3 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
3 / 54 page RWMA CLASS 1 RWMA CLASS 2 TUFFALOY standard straight tips Straight tips from TUFFALOY are distinguished for their high conductivity and resistance to deformation, which are the two major requirements of resistance welding tips. Modern manufacturing methods and constant scientific quality control make the difference, starting with the alloying of pure copper, through bar extrusion, and the conversion of this high-quality bar stock into welding tips. TUFFALOY ensures conformity to all standard dimensions. Before shipment, all tips must pass inspection by gage for uniform length, taper, and outline of point. C 1/2 1/2 B E E A F D F D B A AC D E F Overall WeIding Gauging Water Hole Water Hole Length Face Dia. Dia. Depth Dia. 1-1/8 A-1708 131-1708 A-2708 132-2708 1-1/8 A-1710 131-1710 A-2710 132-2710 1-1/8 A-1712 131-1712 A-2712 132-2712 1-1/8 A-1714 131-1714 A-2714 132-2714 1-1/8 A-1716 131-1716 A-2716 132-2716 2 9/32 .731 1-1/4 7/16 2-1/2 9/32 .731 1-3/4 7/16 3 9/32 .731 2-1/4 7/16 3-1/2 9/32 .731 2-3/4 7/16 4 9/32 .731 3-1/4 7/16 2 5/16 .844 1-1/4 1/2 2-1/2 5/16 .844 1-3/4 1/2 3 5/16 .844 2-1/4 1/2 3-1/2 5/16 .844 2-3/4 1/2 4 5/16 .844 3-1/2 1/2 1-1/4 1/4 .613 3/4 3/8 1-1/2 1/4 .613 3/4 3/8 1-3/4 1/4 .613 1 3/8 2 1/4 .613 1-1/4 3/8 2-1/4 1/4 .613 1-1/2 3/8 2-1/2 1/4 .613 1-3/4 3/8 2-3/4 1/4 .613 2 3/8 3 1/4 .613 2-1/4 3/8 3-1/4 1/4 .613 2-1/2 3/8 3-1/2 1/4 .613 2-3/4 3/8 3-3/4 1/4 .613 3 3/8 4 1/4 .613 3-1/4 3/8 1 3/16 .463 1/2 9/32 1-1/4 3/16 .463 3/4 9/32 1-1/2 3/16 .463 1 9/32 1-3/4 3/16 .463 1-1/4 9/32 2 3/16 .463 1-1/2 9/32 2-1/4 3/16 .463 1-3/4 9/32 2-1/2 3/16 .463 2 9/32 2-3/4 3/16 .463 2-1/4 9/32 3 3/16 .463 2-1/2 9/32 3-1/4 3/16 .463 2-3/4 9/32 3-1/2 3/16 .463 3 9/32 3-3/4 3/16 .463 3-1/4 9/32 4 3/16 .463 3-1/2 9/32 1 A-1608 131-1608 A-2608 132-2608 1 A-1610 131-1610 A-2610 132-2610 1 A-1612 131-1612 A-2612 132-2612 1 A-1614 131-1614 A-2614 132-2614 1 A-1616 131-1616 A-2616 132-2616 1/2 A-1505 131-1505 A-2505 132-2505 7/8 A-1506 131-1506 A-2506 132-2506 7/8 A-1507 131-1507 A-2507 132-2507 7/8 A-1508 131-1508 A-2508 132-2508 7/8 A-1509 131-1509 A-2509 132-2509 7/8 A-1510 131-1510 A-2510 132-2510 7/8 A-1511 131-1511 A-2511 132-2511 7/8 A-1512 131-1512 A-2512 132-2512 7/8 A-1513 131-1513 A-2513 132-2513 7/8 A-1514 131-1514 A-2514 132-2514 7/8 A-1515 131-1515 A-2515 132-2515 7/8 A-1516 131-1516 A-2516 132-2516 3/8 A-1404 131-1404 A-2404 132-2404 3/4 A-1405 131-1405 A-2405 132-2405 3/4 A-1406 131-1406 A-2406 132-2406 3/4 A-1407 131-1407 A-2407 132-2407 3/4 A-1408 131-1408 A-2408 132-2408 3/4 A-1409 131-1409 A-2409 132-2409 3/4 A-1410 131-1410 A-2410 132-2410 3/4 A-1411 131-1411 A-2411 132-2411 3/4 A-1412 131-1412 A-2412 132-2412 3/4 A-1413 131-1413 A-2413 132-2413 3/4 A-1414 131-1414 A-2414 132-2414 3/4 A-1415 131-1415 A-2415 132-2415 3/4 A-1416 131-1416 A-2416 132-2416 Descrip- Part Descrip- Part tion No. tion No. NO. 4 RW TAPER - 1/2” DIAMETER NO. 5 RW TAPER - 5/8” DIAMETER NO. 6 RW TAPER - 3/4” DIAMETER NO. 7 RW TAPER - 7/8” DIAMETER B Nose Length ‘A’ POINTED NOSE RWMA CLASS 1 RWMA CLASS 2 3/8 B-1708 133-1708 B-2708 134-2708 3/8 B-1710 133-1710 B-2710 134-2710 3/8 B-1712 133-1712 B-2712 134-2712 3/8 B-1714 133-1714 B-2714 134-2714 3/8 B-1716 133-1716 B-2716 134-2716 3/8 B-1608 133-1608 B-2608 134-2608 3/8 B-1610 133-1610 B-2610 134-2610 3/8 B-1612 133-1612 B-2612 134-2612 3/8 B-1614 133-1614 B-2614 134-2614 3/8 B-1616 133-1616 B-2616 134-2616 3/8 B-1505 133-1505 B-2505 134-2505 3/8 B-1506 133-1506 B-2506 134-2506 3/8 B-1507 133-1507 B-2507 134-2507 3/8 B-1508 133-1508 B-2508 134-2508 3/8 B-1509 133-1509 B-2509 134-2509 3/8 B-1510 133-1510 B-2510 134-2510 3/8 B-1511 133-1511 B-2511 134-2511 3/8 B-1512 133-1512 B-2512 134-2512 3/8 B-1513 133-1513 B-2513 134-2513 3/8 B-1514 133-1514 B-2514 134-2514 3/8 B-1515 133-1515 B-2515 134-2515 3/8 B-1516 133-1516 B-2516 134-2516 1/4 B-1404 133-1404 B-2404 134-2404 1/4 B-1405 133-1405 B-2405 134-2405 1/4 B-1406 133-1406 B-2406 134-2406 1/4 B-1407 133-1407 B-2407 134-2407 1/4 B-1408 133-1408 B-2408 134-2408 1/4 B-1409 133-1409 B-2409 134-2409 1/4 B-1410 133-1410 B-2410 134-2410 1/4 B-1411 133-1411 B-2411 134-2411 1/4 B-1412 133-1412 B-2412 134-2412 1/4 B-1413 133-1413 B-2413 134-2413 1/4 B-1414 133-1414 B-2414 134-2414 1/4 B-1415 133-1415 B-2415 134-2415 1/4 B-1416 133-1416 B-2416 134-2416 Descrip- Part Descrip- Part tion No. tion No. B Nose Length ‘B’ DOME NOSE 2 |
유사한 부품 번호 - D-1409 |
유사한 설명 - D-1409 |
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