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PMICTLF30681QVS01 데이터시트(PDF) 9 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
PMICTLF30681QVS01 데이터시트(HTML) 9 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
9 / 133 page 2.2 Pin definitions and functions PG-VQFN-48 Pin Symbol Function 1 AG5 Analog ground, pin 5: Connect this pin directly to ground via a low ohmic and low inductive trace. 2 NC Not connected: Leave the pin floating in the application. 3 AG6 Analog ground, pin 6: Connect this pin directly to ground via a low ohmic and low inductive trace. 4 R1BTSV Decoupling of internal supply voltage: Connect a decoupling capacitor between this pin and R1PGx. 5 NC Not connected: Leave this pin floating in the application. 6 ENA Enable input: A valid enable condition at this pin enables the device. 7 R1VS1 High voltage regulator supply voltage, pin 1: Connect this pin in parallel with R1VS2 and R1VS3 and then to the supply (battery) voltage via a reverse protection diode. Additionally connect a capacitor between this pin and ground. An EMC filter is recommended. 8 R1VS2 High voltage regulator supply voltage, pin 2: Connect this in parallel with R1VS1 and R1VS3 and then to the supply (battery) voltage via a reverse protection diode. Additionally connect a capacitor between this pin and ground. An EMC filter is recommended. 9 R1VS3 High voltage regulator supply voltage, pin 3: Connect this pin in parallel with R1VS1 and R1VS2 and then to the supply (battery) voltage via a reverse protection diode. Additionally connect a capacitor between this pin and ground. An EMC filter is recommended. 10 R1PG1 High voltage regulator power ground, pin 1: Connect this pin in parallel with R1PG2 and R1PG3 and then to the Buck1 output capacitor ground terminal to ground. 11 R1PG2 High voltage regulator power ground, pin 2: Connect this pin in parallel with R1PG1 and R1PG3 and then to the Buck1 output capacitor ground terminal to ground. 12 R1PG3 High voltage regulator power ground, pin 3: Connect this pin n parallel with R1PG1 and R1PG2 and to the Buck1 output capacitor ground terminal to ground. 13 R1SW1 High voltage regulator power stage output, pin 1: Connect this pin in parallel with R1SW2 and R1SW3 and then to the pre-regulator Buck1 output filter inductor. 14 R1SW2 High voltage regulator power stage output, pin 2: Connect this pin in parallel with R1SW1 and R1SW3 and then to the pre-regulator output filter inductor. OPTIREG™ PMIC TLF30681QVS01 Power management IC Pin configuration Datasheet 9 Rev. 1.0 2020-04-08 |
유사한 부품 번호 - PMICTLF30681QVS01 |
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