전자부품 데이터시트 검색엔진 |
LH540203D-15 데이터시트(PDF) 5 Page - Sharp Corporation |
LH540203D-15 데이터시트(HTML) 5 Page - Sharp Corporation |
5 / 17 page OPERATIONAL MODES Standalone Configuration When depth cascading is not required for a given application, the LH540203 is placed in standalone mode by tying the Expansion In input (XI) to ground. This input is internally sampled during a reset operation. (See Table 1.) Width Expansion Word-width expansion is implemented by placing mul- tiple LH540203 devices in parallel. Each LH540203 should be configured for standalone mode. In this ar- rangement, the behavior of the status flags is identical for all devices; so, in principle, a representative value for each of these flags could be derived from any one device. In practice, it is better to derive ‘composite’ flag values using external logic, since there may be minor speed variations between different actual devices. (See Figures 4, 5, and 6.) WRITE DATA IN D0 - D8 9 FULL FLAG RESET XI RT RETRANSMIT EMPTY FLAG 9 READ HF LH540203 W FF RS R EF DATA OUT Q0 - Q8 540203-17 Figure 4. Standalone FIFO (2048 × 9) 18 WRITE FULL FLAG RESET 9 READ EMPTY FLAG R EF XI RT R W 540203-18 RS RETRANSMIT RT XI HF W FF RS 9 18 9 HF 9 LH540203 LH540203 DATA IN D0 - D17 DATA OUT Q0 - Q17 Figure 5. FIFO Word-Width Expansion (2048 × 18) CMOS 2048 × 9 Asynchronous FIFO LH540203 5 |
유사한 부품 번호 - LH540203D-15 |
유사한 설명 - LH540203D-15 |
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