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IRFP054 데이터시트(PDF) 1 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
IRFP054 데이터시트(HTML) 1 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
1 / 11 page Document Number: 91200 www.vishay.com S11-0447-Rev. C, 14-Mar-11 1 This datasheet is subject to change without notice. THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DATASHEET ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Power MOSFET IRFP054, SiHFP054 Vishay Siliconix FEATURES • Dynamic dV/dt Rating • Isolated Central Mounting Hole • 175 °C Operating Temperature •Fast Switching • Ease of Paralleling • Simple Drive Requirements • Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC DESCRIPTION Third generation Power MOSFETs from Vishay provide the designer with the best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness. The TO-247AC package is preferred for commercial-industrial applications where higher power levels preclude the use of TO-220AB devices. The TO-247AC is similar but superior to the earlier TO-218 package because of its isolated mouting hole. It also provides greater creepage distance between pins to meet the requirements of most safety specifications. Notes a. Repetitive rating; pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature (see fig. 11). b. VDD = 25 V, starting TJ = 25 °C, L = 92 μH, Rg = 25 Ω, IAS = 90 A (see fig. 12). c. ISD ≤ 90 A, dI/dt ≤ 200 A/μs, VDD ≤ VDS, TJ ≤ 175 °C. d. 1.6 mm from case. e. Current limited by the package, (die current = 90 A). PRODUCT SUMMARY VDS (V) 60 RDS(on) ( Ω)VGS = 10 V 0.014 Qg (Max.) (nC) 160 Qgs (nC) 48 Qgd (nC) 54 Configuration Single N-Channel MOSFET G D S TO-247AC G D S Available RoHS* COMPLIANT ORDERING INFORMATION Package TO-247AC Lead (Pb)-free IRFP054PbF SiHFP054-E3 SnPb IRFP054 SiHFP054 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER SYMBOL LIMIT UNIT Drain-Source Voltage VDS 60 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS ± 20 Continuous Drain Currente VGS at 10 V TC = 25 °C ID 70 A Continuous Drain Current TC = 100 °C 64 Pulsed Drain Currenta IDM 360 Linear Derating Factor 1.5 W/°C Single Pulse Avalanche Energyb EAS 373 mJ Maximum Power Dissipation TC = 25 °C PD 230 W Peak Diode Recovery dV/dtc dV/dt 4.5 V/ns Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range TJ, Tstg - 55 to + 175 °C Soldering Recommendations (Peak Temperature)d for 10 s 300 Mounting Torque 6-32 or M3 screw 10 lbf · in 1.1 N · m * Pb containing terminations are not RoHS compliant, exemptions may apply |
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