전자부품 데이터시트 검색엔진 |
D-07244 데이터시트(PDF) 4 Page - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
D-07244 데이터시트(HTML) 4 Page - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
4 / 23 page Reference only EGD08E 3 / 22 NOTICE 1. CLEANING (ULTRASONIC CLEANING) To perform ultrasonic cleaning, observe the following conditions. Rinse bath capacity : Output of 20 watts per liter or less. Rinsing time : 5 min maximum. Do not vibrate the PCB/PWB directly. Excessive ultrasonic cleaning may lead to fatigue destruction of the lead wires. 2. CAPACITANCE CHANGE OF CAPACITORS ⋅ Class 1 capacitors Capacitance might change a little depending on a surrounding temperature or an applied voltage. Please contact us if you use for the strict time constant circuit. ⋅ Class 2 and 3 capacitors Class 2 and 3 capacitors like temperature characteristic B, E and F have an aging characteristic, whereby the capacitor continually decreases its capacitance slightly if the capacitor leaves for a long time. Moreover, capacitance might change greatly depending on a surrounding temperature or an applied voltage. So, it is not likely to be able to use for the time constant circuit. Please contact us if you need a detail information. 3. PERFORMANCE CHECK BY EQUIPMENT Before using a capacitor, check that there is no problem in the equipment's performance and the specifications. Generally speaking, CLASS 2 ceramic capacitors have voltage dependence characteristics and temperature dependence characteristics in capacitance. So, the capacitance value may change depending on the operating condition in a equipment. Therefore, be sure to confirm the apparatus performance of receiving influence in a capacitance value change of a capacitor, such as leakage current and noise suppression characteristic. Moreover, check the surge-proof ability of a capacitor in the equipment, if needed, because the surge voltage may exceed specific value by the inductance of the circuit. NOTE 1.Please make sure that your product has been evaluated in view of your specifications with our product being mounted to your product. 2.You are requested not to use our product deviating from this specification. |
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