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D-07244 데이터시트(PDF) 2 Page - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
D-07244 데이터시트(HTML) 2 Page - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
2 / 23 page Reference only EGD08E 1 / 22 CAUTION 1. OPERATING VOLTAGE When DC-rated capacitors are to be used in AC or ripple current circuits, be sure to maintain the Vp-p value of the applied voltage or the Vo-p which contains DC bias within the rated voltage range. When the voltage is started to apply to the circuit or it is stopped applying, the irregular voltage may be generated for a transit period because of resonance or switching. Be sure to use a capacitor within rated voltage containing these irregular voltage. Voltage DC Voltage DC+AC Voltage AC Voltage Pulse Voltage(1) Pulse Voltage(2) Positional Measurement 2. OPERATING TEMPERATURE AND SELF-GENERATED HEAT Keep the surface temperature of a capacitor below the upper limit of its rated operating temperature range. Be sure to take into account the heat generated by the capacitor itself. When the capacitor is used in a high-frequency current, pulse current or the like, it may have the self- generated heat due to dielectric-loss. Applied voltage should be the load such as self-generated heat is within 20 °C on the condition of atmosphere temperature 25 °C. When measuring, use a thermocouple of small thermal capacity-K of φ0.1mm and be in the condition where capacitor is not affected by radiant heat of other components and wind of surroundings. Excessive heat may lead to deterioration of the capacitor’s characteristics and reliability.(Never attempt to perform measurement with the cooling fan running. Otherwise, accurate measurement cannot be ensured.) 3. TEST CONDITION FOR WITHSTANDING VOLTAGE (1) TEST EQUIPMENT Test equipment for AC withstanding voltage should be used with the performance of the wave similar to 50/60 Hz sine wave. If the distorted sine wave or over load exceeding the specified voltage value is applied, the defective may be caused. (2) VOLTAGE APPLIED METHOD When the withstanding voltage is applied, capacitor’s lead or terminal should be firmly connected to the out-put of the withstanding voltage test equipment, and then the voltage should be raised from near zero to the test voltage. If the test voltage without the raise from near zero voltage would be applied directly to capacitor, test voltage should be applied with the *zero cross. At the end of the test time, the test voltage should be reduced to near zero, and then capacitor’s lead or terminal should be taken off the out-put of the withstanding voltage test equipment. If the test voltage without the raise from near zero voltage would be applied directly to capacitor, the surge voltage may arise, and therefore, the defective may be caused. *ZERO CROSS is the point where voltage sine wave pass 0V. - See the right figure - 4. FAIL-SAFE When capacitor would be broken, failure may result in a short circuit. Be sure to provide an appropriate fail-safe function like a fuse on your product if failure would follow an electric shock, fire or fume. 5. VIBRATION AND IMPACT Do not expose a capacitor or its leads to excessive shock or vibration during use. 0V voltage sine wave zero cross Vp-p Vp-p Vp-p Vo-p Vo-p |
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