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ATMEGA1281-16MUR 데이터시트(PDF) 29 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
ATMEGA1281-16MUR 데이터시트(HTML) 29 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
29 / 34 page 29 ATmega640/V-1280/V-1281/V-2560/V-2561/V [SUMMARY] 2549QS–AVR–02/2014 Problem Fix/Workaround None. 2. High current consumption in sleep mode If a pending interrupt cannot wake the part up from the selected sleep mode, the current consumption will increase during sleep when executing the SLEEP instruction directly after a SEI instruction. Problem Fix/Workaround Before entering sleep, interrupts not used to wake the part from the sleep mode should be disabled. 11.5 ATmega1281 rev. B • High current consumption in sleep mode 1. High current consumption in sleep mode If a pending interrupt cannot wake the part up from the selected sleep mode, the current consumption will increase during sleep when executing the SLEEP instruction directly after a SEI instruction. Problem Fix/Workaround Before entering sleep, interrupts not used to wake the part from the sleep mode should be disabled. 11.6 ATmega1281 rev. A • Inaccurate ADC conversion in differential mode with 200× gain • High current consumption in sleep mode 1. Inaccurate ADC conversion in differential mode with 200× gain With AVCC <3.6V, random conversions will be inaccurate. Typical absolute accuracy may reach 64 LSB. Problem Fix/Workaround None. 2. High current consumption in sleep mode If a pending interrupt cannot wake the part up from the selected sleep mode, the current consumption will increase during sleep when executing the SLEEP instruction directly after a SEI instruction. Problem Fix/Workaround Before entering sleep, interrupts not used to wake the part from the sleep mode should be disabled. 11.7 ATmega2560 rev. F • ADC differential input amplification by 46dB (200x) not functional 1. ADC differential input amplification by 46dB (200x) not functional Problem Fix/Workaround None. 11.8 ATmega2560 rev. E No known errata. 11.9 ATmega2560 rev. D Not sampled. |
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