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74F545 데이터시트(PDF) 5 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
74F545 데이터시트(HTML) 5 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
5 / 10 page Philips Semiconductors Product specification 74F545 Octal bidirectional transceiver (with 3-State inputs/outputs) 1990 Mar 01 5 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Over recommended operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise noted.) SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS1 LIMITS UNIT SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS1 MIN TYP2 MAX UNIT A0–A7 V MIN IOH = –3mA ±10%VCC 2.4 V VOH High-level output voltage B0–B7 VCC = MIN, VIL = MAX IOH = –3mA ±5%VCC 2.7 3.3 V VOH High-level out ut voltage B0–B7 VIL = MAX, VIH = MIN IOH = –15mA ±10%VCC 2.0 V B0–B7 IH IOH = –15mA ±5%VCC 2.0 V A0–A7 V MIN IOL = 24mA ±10%VCC 0.35 0.50 V VOL Low-level output voltage A0–A7 VCC = MIN, VIL = MAX IOL = 24mA ±5%VCC 0.35 0.50 V VOL Low-level out ut voltage B0–B7 VIL = MAX, VIH = MIN IOL = MAX ±10%VCC 0.55 V B0–B7 IH IOL = MAX ±5%VCC 0.42 0.55 V VIK Input clamp voltage VCC = MIN, II = IIK –0.73 –1.2 V Input current at OE, T/R VCC = 0.0V, VI = 7.0V 100 µA II In ut current at maximum input voltage A0–A7, B0–B7 VCC = 5.5V, VI = 5.5V 1.0 mA IIH High-level input current OE, T/R VCC = MAX, VI = 2.7V 40 µA IIL Low-level input current only VCC = MAX, VI = 0.5V –40 µA IOZH+IIH Off-state output current High-level voltage applied VCC = MAX, VI = 2.7V 70 µA IOZL+IIL Off-state output current Low-level voltage applied VCC = MAX, VI = 0.5V –70 µA IOS Short-circuit output 3 A0–A7 VCC = MAX –60 –150 mA IOS current3 B0–B7 VCC = MAX –100 –225 µA 4 ICCH T/R=An=4.5V, OE=GND 84 100 mA ICC Supply current (total)4 ICCL VCC = MAX OE=T/R =Bn=GND 96 120 mA ICCZ T/R=Bn=GND, OE=4.5V 96 120 mA NOTES: 1. For conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value under the recommended operating conditions for the applicable type. 2. All typical values are at VCC = 5V, Tamb = 25°C. 3. Not more than one output should be shorted at a time. For testing IOS, the use of high-speed test apparatus and/or sample-and-hold techniques are preferable in order to minimize internal heating and more accurately reflect operational values. Otherwise, prolonged shorting of a High output may raise the chip temperature well above normal and thereby cause invalid readings in other parameter tests. In any sequence of parameter tests, IOS should be performed last. 4. Measure ICC with outputs open. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS TEST Tamb = +25°C Tamb = 0°C to +70°C SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC = +5.0V VCC = +5.0V ± 10% UNIT CONDITIONS CL = 50pF, RL = 500Ω CL = 50pF, RL = 500Ω MIN TYP MAX MIN MAX tPLH tPHL Propagation delay An to Bn, Bn to An Waveform 1 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 1.5 2.5 6.5 7.0 ns ns tPZH tPZL Output Enable time to High or Low level Waveform 2 Waveform 3 6.0 5.5 8.5 8.0 10.5 9.5 6.0 5.5 11.0 10.0 ns ns tPHZ tPLZ Output Disable time from High or Low level Waveform 2 Waveform 3 2.5 2.0 5.0 4.5 7.0 6.5 2.5 2.0 8.0 7.5 ns ns |
유사한 부품 번호 - 74F545 |
유사한 설명 - 74F545 |
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