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I-BMS15 데이터시트(PDF) 2 Page - Sensata Technologies, Inc. |
I-BMS15 데이터시트(HTML) 2 Page - Sensata Technologies, Inc. |
2 / 2 page LiBAL i-BMS15™ Integrated Battery Management System for 15 cells PARAMETERS SPECIFICATIONS SOC accuracy ±3% SOH accuracy ±2% -point from 80% SOC Balancing efficiency 200mA per cell Accuracy of HV measurement ±100 mV Accuracy of temperature measurement (NTC) ±1 °C (from -10 to 70 °C) Standby consumption (sleep mode) 3.12 mW (Max) Active consumption 1.5 W (Max) Cell balancing current 200 mA Cell voltage, current, and temperature sampling frequency 100 mS Single cell voltage measurement accuracy (0,5 – 4,5 Vdc) ±1,6 mV (at 25 °C) Current measurement accuracy ±0,5% @ 120A Range of temperature measurements From -40 to +120 °C Number of Voltage channels 8-15 channels Range of HV measurement 17 – 60V Detectable cell voltage range 0-5 Vdc Maximum current, continuous Peak current in maximum 10 seconds Dimensions (L x W x H) & weight Temperature channels On-board current measurement On-board power disconnect CAN ports On-board RTC Pre-charge control on board Bi-directional current protection Number of GPIOs Maximum drain voltage of GPIOs Maximum guaranteed GPIO continuous drain current Communication Charger Control Interface, Diagnostics Interface Parallal pack / “Hot Swap” functionality Adjustable freeze frame memory SOP estimation based on cell degradation DC/DC auto-off shut-down 100A (per parallel string, subject to variations between strings) 150A (per parallel string, subject to variations between strings) 200 x 65 x 18 mm, 93g 4 on-board, 6 external (NTC) Yes – Auto-calibrated on-board shunt Yes 1 Yes Yes – 300 mS for 7 mF via 10 Ω Yes 4 independent open drain outputs 36V (max 30V) 0.7A (max 0.5A) CAN communication CAN 2.0 A/B; 11 bit and 29 bit ID’s CAN, CAN UDS Yes, 6 battery packs Yes – Defaults to 18s of data with 150 entry samples leading to event Yes – 3 configurable time intervals Yes i-BMS15 Dimensions in MM www.lithiumbalance.com contact@lithiumbalance.com Tel: +45 5851 5104 LiTHIUM BALANCE A/S Hassellunden 13 2765 Smørum, Denmark 200,00 39,00 44,00 151,00 |
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