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M65761FP 데이터시트(PDF) 8 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
M65761FP 데이터시트(HTML) 8 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
8 / 34 page M65761FP REJ03F0234-0200 Rev.2.00 Sep 14, 2007 Page 8 of 33 (5) Coding Data Format • The Stripe Data Entity (SDE) (= Stripe coded data with byte stuffing (PSCD) + end marker (SDNORM / SDRST)) Coding/decoding of one stripe portion as performed. In case of the multi-striped (construct the multi stripes) stripes are activated one at a time. (6) Marker Code • The SDE end marker is supported. (SDNORM = 02h, SDRST = 03h, ABORT = 04h) (During coding the marker code previously set in the register is outputted. During decoding, the marker code detected by requesting an interrupt to MPU when the marker is detected is read out of register.) (7) Rough Estimate of Coding and Decoding Time (T1: M65761FP as a Whole, T2: Processing Time of the Arithmetic Coding Section Alone) • The total number of clocks needed for coding and decoding 1 page (stripe) is calculates roughly using the following equations. T1 ≈ (p Lp) + (9/8 C) + ( Lp) p: Number of pixels/line : about 0.3 –S ((1 – ) p Ltp – Lp) [clock] Lp: Number of lines/page T2 ≈ (p Lp) + (9/8 C) Ltp: Number of TP line/page –S ((p Ltp) – Lp)) [clock] C: Number of coded data bits/page S = 1: TP exists 0: No TP : about 10 |
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