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OFMSD22M51022 데이터시트(PDF) 2 Page - OPLINK Communications Inc. |
OFMSD22M51022 데이터시트(HTML) 2 Page - OPLINK Communications Inc. |
2 / 2 page OFMS Ordering Information Product Lines: Mux/Demux Switching/Routing Coupling/Splitting Monitoring/Conditioning Amplification Transmission Interconnect RGB Laser Modules Function Diagram Oplink can provide a remarkable range of customized optical solutions. For detail, please contact Oplink’s OEM design team or account manager for your requirements and ordering information (510) 933-7200. Dual 1x2 Switch Dual 2x2 Add/Drop Switch M 2 D Package Type Mounting Type Fiber Type Fiber Length Wavelength Switch Type Multi-mode Type P1 (bare fiber) = 1 P2 (900μm loose tube) = 2 Dual-line pins on the bottom = 0 Single-line pins on the side with screw tabs = 1 MMF 50/125 fiber = 1 MMF 62.5/125 fiber = 2 0.5 meter = H 1.0 meter = 1 1.5 meter = 5 2.0 meter = 2 850nm = 8 1310nm = 3 1550nm = 5 Latching = 0 Non-latching = 1 Dual 1x2 = D12 Dual 2x2 Add/Drop = D22 Connector Type None = 1 FC/PC = 2 FC/SPC = 3 FC/APC = 4 SC/PC = 5 SC/SPC = 6 SC/APC = 7 ST = 8 LC = 9 MU = A OFMS Series Multi-mode Dual 1x2 or 2x2 Add/Drop Optical Fiber Switches OFMSMMD Series R01.20090522 |
유사한 부품 번호 - OFMSD22M51022 |
유사한 설명 - OFMSD22M51022 |
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