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QPW025A0F41 데이터시트(PDF) 6 Page - Lineage Power Corporation |
QPW025A0F41 데이터시트(HTML) 6 Page - Lineage Power Corporation |
6 / 14 page Data Sheet May 7, 2008 QPW025A0F41/QPW025A0F41-H DC-DC Power Module 36-75Vdc Input; 3.3Vdc Output Voltage; 25A Output Current LINEAGE POWER 6 Test Configurations TO OSCILLOSCOPE 12 µH CS 220 µF ESR < 0.1 W @ 20 °C, 100 kHz VI(+) VI(-) BATTERY 33 µF CURRENT PROBE LTEST ESR < 0.7 W @ 100 kHz Note: Input reflected-ripple current is measured with the simulated source inductance of 1uH. Capacitor Cs offsets possible battery impedance. Current is measured at the input of the module Figure 7. Input Reflected Ripple Current Test Setup. VO(+) VO(–) 1.0 µF RESISTIV LOAD SCOPE COPPER STRIP GROUND PLANE 10 µF Note: Use a 10uF tantalum and a 1uF ceramic capacitor. Scope measurement should be made using BNC socket. Position the load between 51 mm and 76mm (2 in. and 3 in.) from the module Figure 8. Output Ripple and Noise Test Setup. VI(+) II IO SUPPLY CONTACT CONTACT AND LOAD SENSE(+) VI(–) VO(+ ) VO(–) SENSE(–) RESISTANCE DISTRIBUTION LOSSES Figure 9. Output Voltage and Efficiency Test Setup. η = VO. IO VIN. IIN x 100 % Efficiency Design Considerations Input Source Impedance The power module should be connected to a low ac-impedance input source. Highly inductive source impedances can affect the stability of the power module. For the test configuration in Figure 7, a 33 µF electrolytic capacitor (ESR < 0.7 Ω at 100 kHz) mounted close to the power module helps ensure stability of the unit. Consult the factory for further application guidelines. Output Capacitance High output current transient rate of change (high di/dt) loads may require high values of output capacitance to supply the instantaneous energy requirement to the load. To minimize the output voltage transient drop during this transient, low E.S.R. (equivalent series resistance) capacitors may be required, since a high E.S.R. will produce a correspondingly higher voltage drop during the current transient. Output capacitance and load impedance interact with the power module’s output voltage regulation control system and may produce an ’unstable’ output condition for the required values of capacitance and E.S.R. Minimum and maximum values of output capacitance and of the capacitor’s associated E.S.R. may be dictated, depending on the module’s control system. The process of determining the acceptable values of capacitance and E.S.R. is complex and is load- dependant. Lineage Power provides Web-based tools to assist the power module end-user in appraising and adjusting the effect of various load conditions and output capacitances on specific power modules for various load conditions Safety Considerations For safety-agency approval of the system in which the power module is used, the power module must be installed in compliance with the spacing and separation requirements of the end-use safety agency standard, i.e., UL60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03, EN60950- 1 and VDE 0805:2001-12. For end products connected to –48V dc, or –60Vdc nominal DC MAINS (i.e. central office dc battery plant), no further fault testing is required. For all input voltages, other than DC MAINS, where the input voltage is less than 60V dc, if the input meets all of the requirements for SELV, then: The output may be considered SELV. Output voltages will remain within SELV limits even with internally-generated non-SELV voltages. Single |
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