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QPW025A0F41 데이터시트(PDF) 7 Page - Lineage Power Corporation |
QPW025A0F41 데이터시트(HTML) 7 Page - Lineage Power Corporation |
7 / 14 page Data Sheet May 7, 2008 QPW025A0F41/QPW025A0F41-H DC-DC Power Module 36-75Vdc Input; 3.3Vdc Output Voltage; 25A Output Current LINEAGE POWER 7 component failure and fault tests were performed in the power converters. One pole of the input and one pole of the output are to be grounded, or both circuits are to be kept floating, to maintain the output voltage to ground voltage within ELV or SELV limits. For all input sources, other than DC MAINS, where the input voltage is between 60 and 75V dc (Classified as TNV-2 in Europe), the following must be meet, if the converter’s output is to be evaluated for SELV: The input source is to be provided with reinforced insulation from any hazardous voltage, including the ac mains. One Vi pin and one Vo pin are to be reliably earthed, or both the input and output pins are to be kept floating. Another SELV reliability test is conducted on the whole system, as required by the safety agencies, on the combination of supply source and the subject module to verify that under a single fault, hazardous voltages do not appear at the module’s output. The power module has ELV (extra-low voltage) outputs when all inputs are ELV. All flammable materials used in the manufacturing of these modules are rated 94V-0, or tested to the UL60950 A.2 for reduced thickness. The input to these units is to be provided with a maximum 6A fast-acting (or time-delay) fuse in the unearthed lead. Feature Descriptions Remote On/Off Two remote On/Off logic options are available. Positive logic remote On/Off turns the module ON during a logic- high voltage on the remote On/Off pin, and turns the module OFF during a logic-low. Negative logic remote On/Off turns the module OFF during a logic-high and turns the module ON during logic-low. Negative logic is specified by suffix “1” at the end of the device code. To turn the power module on and off, the user must supply a switch to control the voltage between the ON/OFF pin and the VIN(–) terminal (Von/Off). The switch may be an open collector or equivalent (see Figure 10). A logic-low is Von/off = 0 V to 1.2V. The maximum Ion/off during a logic low is 1 mA. The switch should maintain a logic-low voltage while sinking 1 mA. During a logic-high, the maximum Von/off generated by the power module is 15 V. The maximum allowable leakage current of the switch is 50 µA. If not using the remote on/off feature, do one of the following: For positive logic, leave the ON/OFF pin open. For negative logic, short the ON/OFF pin to VIN(–). SENSE(+) VO(+) SENSE(–) VO(–) VI(-) Ion/off ON/OFF VI(+) LOAD Von/off Figure 10. Circuit configuration for using Remote On/Off Implementation. Overcurrent Protection To provide protection in a fault (output overload) condi- tion, the module is equipped with internal current-limiting circuitry, and can endure current limiting continuously. At the instance of current-limit inception, the output current begins to tail-out. When an overcurrent condition exists beyond a few seconds, the module enters a “hiccup” mode of operation, whereby it shuts down and automatically attempts to restart.. While the fault condition exists, the module will remain in this hiccup mode, and can remain in this mode until the fault is cleared. The unit |
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