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DB9-USB-RS232 데이터시트(PDF) 7 Page - Future Technology Devices International Ltd. |
DB9-USB-RS232 데이터시트(HTML) 7 Page - Future Technology Devices International Ltd. |
7 / 27 page Copyright © 2010 Future Technology Devices International Limited 6 Document Reference No.: FT_000204 DB9-USB-RS232 Datasheet Version 1.2 Clearance No.: FTDI# 130 2.1.2 Replacing an RS232 DB9 MALE (DTE defined) Connector The DB9-USB-RS232-M can be used to replace a male DB9 connector used for transmitting RS232 protocol. With the DB9-USB-RS232-M in place instead of the standard USB connector a USB bridge is created, this allow the application to communicate with other devices via USB. Installing the DB9-USB- RS232-M is simple. Simply replace the male DB9 connector with the DB9-USB-RS232-M connector (same PCB footprint), install drivers and the device is ready to use. Table 2.2 gives the pin out description of each pad of an RS232 footprint. Figure 2.2 gives a description of the connections between the DB9-USB-RS232-M and the footprint of a male DB9 module. Pin Number Pin Type of DB9- USB-RS232 module Pin Type at application PCB Description 1 Input (note1) Input DCD = Data Carrier Detect 2 Output Input RXD = Receive Data (this is an output from the DB9-USB- RS232-M to the application Rx input) 3 Input Output TXD = Transmit Data (this is an input to the DB9-USB-RS232-M from the application Tx output) 4 Input Output DTR = Data Terminal Ready (this is an input to the DB9-USB-RS232-M from the application DTR output) 5 Ground Ground GND = RS232 signal ground 6 Output Input DSR = Data Set Ready (this is an output from the DB9-USB- RS232-M to the application DSR input) 7 Input Output RTS = Request To Send (this is an input to the DB9-USB-RS232-M from the application RTS output) 8 Output Input CTS = Clear To Send (this is an output from the DB9-USB- RS232-M to the application CTS input) 9 Input (note1) Input RI = Ring Indicator Shield Ground Case Ground Drain = typically connected to the host PC case Table 2.2 – A Male RS232 DB9 footprint Pin-Out Note 1: The DB9-USB-RS232-M is electrically configured to be a DTE (Data Terminating Equipment) device with a null-modem wiring. The null-modem wiring allows DTE to DTE communications between the DB9- USB-RS232-M and a standard DB9 male application board. However a DTE device is defined to have 5 inputs and 3 outputs, where a DCE (Data Communications Equipment) is defined to have 3 inputs and 5 outputs as in the case of the female DB9 application boards. This leads to a conflict in an DTE to DTE connection application, This conflict is that there are more inputs to a connected USB-converter device than there are outputs from the application board (and more inputs to the application board than there are outputs of the USB converter). This conflict occurs on the DCD and RI connections and as such they cannot be used. This issue is very common when translating RS232 to USB from a DTE perspective. Additional information showing DTE and DCE wiring is given in Appendix B. Figure 2.1 illustrates these connections from a PCB footprint point of view. Figure 2.2 Illustrates the connection made to an example PCB. |
유사한 부품 번호 - DB9-USB-RS232 |
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