전자부품 데이터시트 검색엔진 |
LST676 데이터시트(PDF) 4 Page - Siemens Semiconductor Group |
LST676 데이터시트(HTML) 4 Page - Siemens Semiconductor Group |
4 / 7 page LS T676, LA T676, LO T676 LY T676 Semiconductor Group 4 Kennwerte ( T A = 25 ˚C) Characteristics Bezeichnung Parameter Symbol Symbol Werte Values Einheit Unit LS LA LO LY Wellenlänge des emittierten Lichtes (typ.) Wavelength at peak emission (typ.) I F = 20 mA λ peak 645 622 610 591 nm Dominantwellenlänge (typ.) Dominant wavelength (typ.) I F = 20 mA λ dom 632 615 605 587 nm Spektrale Bandbreite bei 50% I rel max (typ.) Spectral bandwidth at 50% I rel max (typ.) I F = 20 mA ∆ λ 16 16 16 15 nm Abstrahlwinkel bei 50% I v (Vollwinkel) Viewing angle at 50% I v 2 ϕ 120 120 120 120 Grad deg. Durchlaßspannung (typ.) Forward voltage (max.) I F = 20 mA V F V F 2.0 2.6 2.0 2.6 2.0 2.6 2.0 2.6 V V Sperrstrom (typ.) Reverse current (max.) V R = 3 V I R I R 0.01 10 0.01 10 0.01 10 0.01 10 µA µA Temperaturkoeffizient von λ dom (IF = 20 mA) Temperature coefficient of λ dom (IF = 20 mA) TCλ 0.014 0.062 0.067 0.096 nm/K Temperaturkoeffizient von λ peak, IF = 20 mA (typ.) Temperature coefficient of λ peak, IF = 20 mA (typ.) TCλ 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.13 nm/K Temperaturkoeffizient von V F, IF = 20 mA (typ.) Temperature coefficient of V F, IF = 20 mA (typ.) TCV – 1.95 – 1.78 – 1.67 – 2.51 mV/K |
유사한 부품 번호 - LST676 |
유사한 설명 - LST676 |
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