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D-103-35 데이터시트(PDF) 1 Page - PANDUIT CORP. |
D-103-35 데이터시트(HTML) 1 Page - PANDUIT CORP. |
1 / 1 page SPECIFICATION CONTROL DRAWING Raychem THERMOFIT DEVICES Raychem Corporation 300 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA TITLE: SOLDERSLEEVE* DEVICE WITH PRE-INSTALLED LEAD UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. INCHES DIMENSIONS ARE BETWEEN BRACKETS. DOCUMENT NO.: D-103-3X TOLERANCES: 0.00 N/A 0.0 N/A 0 N/A ANGLES: N/A ROUGHNESS IN MICRON Raychem reserves the right to amend this drawing at any time. Users should evaluate the suitability of the product for their application. DCR NUMBER: D981005 REPLACES: D1033X DRAWN BY: M. FORONDA DATE: 06/15/98 PROD. REV. SEE TABLE DOC ISSUE: 5 SCALE: None SIZE: A SHEET: 1 of 1 If this document is printed it becomes uncontrolled. Check for the latest revision. MATERIALS 1. INSULATION SLEEVE: Heat-shrinkable, transparent blue, radiation cross-linked polyvinylidene fluoride. 2. SOLDER PREFORM WITH FLUX: SOLDER: TYPE Sn63 per ANSI-J-STD-006. FLUX: TYPE ROL1 per ANSI-J-STD-004. THERMAL INDICATOR: red. 3. MELTABLE RINGS: Thermally stabilized thermoplastic. Color:gray. 4. GROUND LEAD: Raychem 55A0111-XY in accordance with MIL-W-22759/32 AWG ‘XY’ (see table) stranded tin plated copper. Color: see table. APPLICATION 1. These parts are designed to provide an environment protected shield termination on cables, rated for 125 °C minimum, meeting the dimensional criteria listed, having a tin or silverplated copper shields. 2. Temperature range: -55 °C to +150°C. Install using Raychem-approved convection or infrared heating tools in accordance with Raychem process standard RCPS-100-70. For best results, prepare the cable as shown: * A trademark of Raychem Corporation. ‘XY’ = WIRE GAUGE (AWG) Product Revision Product Dimensions Cable Dimensions Product Name L max øA min øB min K min AWG øD max øE min J ±0.5 (J ±0.02) Color of Item 4 D-103-33 M 22 black D-103-34 N 20.5 7.00 7.60 150 22 7.00 3.56 7.00 white D-103-35 M (0.805) (0.275) (0.300) (5.900) 20 (0.275) (0.140) (0.275) black D-103-36 M 20 white |
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