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ML4425CS 데이터시트(PDF) 8 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
ML4425CS 데이터시트(HTML) 8 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
8 / 16 page ML4425 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 8 REV. 1.0.2 7/2/01 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) The VCO provides a TTL compatible clock output on the VCO/TACH pin proportional to the VCO input voltage at the SPEED FB pin. The proportion of frequency to voltage (VCO constant, Kv) is set by an 80.6kΩ resistor on RVCO and a capacitor on CVCO as shown in Figure 5. RVCO sets up a current proportional the VCO input voltage at SPEED FB. This current is used to charge and discharge CVCO between the threshold voltages of 2.3V and 4.3V. The resulting trian- gle wave on CVCO corresponds to the clock on VCO. Kv should be set so that the VCO output frequency corresponds to the maximum commutation frequency or maximum motor speed when the VCO input is equal to or slightly less than VREF. CVCO is calculated using the following equation: The closest standard value that is equal to or less than the calculated CVCO should be used. C VCO 6.5V 3.101 × 10 6 – Hz Farad • V ------------------------------ × 0.05 Hz RPM -------------- N × SPEED MAX × ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = (2) Table 1. Commutation State Functions State Outputs Input Sampling LA LB LC HA HB HC R OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON N/A A OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF FB B B OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF FB A C ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF FB C D ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON FB B E OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON FB A F OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF FB C Figure 4. Output Commutation Sequence Timing Diagram Cycle 1 – Full Commutation, Cycle 2 – Commutation with 50% PWM Duty Cycle HIGH SIDE DRIVE OUTPUTS HA HB HC LOW SIDE DRIVE OUTPUTS LA A B C D EFA B C D E F LB LC |
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