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ACD0900S3C 데이터시트(PDF) 4 Page - ANADIGICS, Inc |
ACD0900S3C 데이터시트(HTML) 4 Page - ANADIGICS, Inc |
4 / 4 page 4 ANADIGICS, Inc. 35 Technology Drive Warren, New Jersey 07059 Tel: (908) 668-5000 / Fax: (908) 668-5132 Email: Mkg@anadigics.com www.anadigics.com IMPORTANT NOTICE ANADIGICS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or discontinue any product at any time without notice. The Advanced Product data sheets and product specifications contained in this data sheet are subject to change prior to a products formal introduction. The information in this data sheet has been carefully checked and is assumed to be reliable. However, ANADIGICS assumes no repsponsibility for inaccuracies. ANADIGICS strongly urges customers to verift that the informationn they are using is current before placing orders. WARNING ANADIGICS products are not intened for use in life support appliances, device, or systems. Use of an ANADIGICS product in any such application without written consent is prohibited. A MEASURED IN 50 Ω SYSTEM IMPEDANCE REFERENCE PLANE AT PIN 16 .5 5 2 .2 .2 0 -.2 -.5 -1 -2 -5 5 2 1 .5 1 1 2 4 3 5 1: 50 MHz 251.64 Ω - 222.35 j Ω 2: 150 MHz 60.89 Ω -144.22 j Ω 3: 250 MHz 26.32 Ω - 89.16 j Ω 4: 400 MHz 13.24 Ω - 49.55 j Ω 5 : 500 MHz 10.08 Ω - 34.10 j Ω IF OUTPUT IMPEDANCE START: 50 MHz STOP: 500 MHz -5.8 MEASURED IN 50 Ω SYSTEM IMPEDANCE REFERENCE PLANE AT PIN 11 -1 .5 5 2 1 .2 -.17 -.2 -.5 -2 -5 5 4 3 2 1 LO IMPEDANCE START: 50 MHz STOP: 2000 MHz 1: 50 MHz 259.67 Ω - 1200 j Ω 2: 612 MHz - 20.97 Ω - 50.63 j Ω 3: 1000 MHz - 9.28 Ω - 14.88 j Ω 4: 1500 MHz - 5.36 Ω 7.99 j Ω 5 : 2000 MHz 0.64 Ω 27.12 j Ω ACD0900S3C DATA SHEET - Rev. 0 |
유사한 부품 번호 - ACD0900S3C |
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