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OPA241 데이터시트(PDF) 9 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
OPA241 데이터시트(HTML) 9 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
9 / 10 page 9 ® OPA241, 2241, 4241 OPA251, 2251, 4251 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The OPA241 and OPA251 series are unity-gain stable and suitable for a wide range of general purpose applications. Power supply pins should be bypassed with 0.01 µF ceramic capacitors. OPERATING VOLTAGE The OPA241 series is laser-trimmed for low offset voltage and drift at low supply voltage (VS = +5V). The OPA251 series is trimmed for ±15V operation. Both products operate over the full voltage range (+2.7V to +36V or ±1.35V to ±18V) with some compromises in offset voltage and drift performance. However, all other parameters have similar performance. Key parameters are guaranteed over the speci- fied temperature range, –40 °C to +85°C. Most behavior remains unchanged throughout the full operating voltage range. Parameters which vary significantly with operating voltage or temperature are shown in typical performance curves. OFFSET VOLTAGE TRIM As mentioned previously, offset voltage of the OPA241 series is laser-trimmed at +5V. The OPA251 series is trimmed at ±15V. Because the initial offset is so low, user adjustment is usually not required. However, the OPA241 and OPA251 (single op amp versions) provide offset voltage trim connec- tions on pins 1 and 5. Offset voltage can be adjusted by connecting a potentiometer as shown in Figure 1. This adjustment should be used only to null the offset of the op amp, not to adjust system offset or offset produced by the signal source. Nulling offset could degrade the offset drift behavior of the op amp. While it is not possible to predict the exact change in drift, the effect is usually small. Figures 2 and 3 show the regions where the OPA241 series and OPA251 series have the potential for instability. As shown, the unity gain configuration with low supplies is the most susceptible to the effects of capacitive load. With VS = +5V, G = +1, and IOUT = 0, operation remains stable with load capacitance up to approximately 200pF. Increasing supply voltage, output current, and/or gain significantly improves capacitive load drive. For example, increasing the supplies to ±15V and gain to 10 allows approximately 2700pF to be driven. One method of improving capacitive load drive in the unity gain configuration is to insert a resistor inside the feedback loop as shown in Figure 4. This reduces ringing with large capacitive loads while maintaining dc accuracy. For ex- ample, with VS = ±1.35V and RS = 5kΩ, the OPA241 series and OPA251 series perform well with capacitive loads in excess of 1000pF. Without the series resistor, capacitive load drive is typically 200pF for these conditions. However, this method will result in a slight reduction of output voltage swing. CAPACITIVE LOAD AND STABILITY The OPA241 series and OPA251 series can drive a wide range of capacitive loads. However, all op amps under certain conditions may be unstable. Op amp configuration, gain, and load value are just a few of the factors to consider when determining stability. V+ V– 100k Ω Use offset adjust pins only to null offset voltage of op amp—see text. Trim Range: ±2mV (V–) = 0V for single-supply operation. OPA241 6 7 5 4 3 2 1 0.01 µF 0.01 µF OPA241 and OPA251 (single op amps) only. FIGURE 1. OPA241 and OPA251 Offset Voltage Trim Circuit. 100k 10k 1k 100 Output Current (mA) –1 –0.1 –0.01 0 0.01 0.1 1 Operation above selected gain curve not recommended G = 10 G = –1 G = +1 Sinking Sourcing V S = +2.7V V S = +5V FIGURE 2. Stability—Capacitive Load versus Output Cur- rent for Low Supply Voltage. FIGURE 3. Stability—Capacitive Load versus Output Cur- rent for ±15V Supplies. 100k 10k 1k 100 Output Current (mA) –1 –0.1 –0.01 0 0.01 0.1 1 Operation above selected gain curve not recommended G = 10 G = –1 G = +1 V S = ±15V Sinking Sourcing |
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