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D-110-0217 데이터시트(PDF) 3 Page - Tyco Electronics |
D-110-0217 데이터시트(HTML) 3 Page - Tyco Electronics |
3 / 4 page 8 8-41 Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are in millimeters Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514 Revised 12-04 and inches unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Japan: 81-44-900-5102 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Singapore: 65-4866-151 www.tycoelectronics.com are U.S. equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-1793-528171 Wire Termination to Pin/Post/Tab SolderSleeve Discrete Wire Terminators (Continued) Wire Tape Carrier Spacing of Sleeves (Center-to-Center) Terminal 1.27 2.54 3.17 4.0 Dimensions AWG mm2 None [0.050] [0.100] [0.125] [0.156] W = up to 0.61 [.024] 30–26 [0.05–0.15] D-141-30 D-713-03 — — — 24–22 [0.24–0.38] D-141-07 — D-711-00 — — W = 0.63 [.025] to 20 [0.61] D-141-31 — D-711-04 D-711-07 D-711-08 0.81 [.032] W = 0.76 [.030] to 24–20 [0.24–0.61] D-141-56 — — — — 1.27 [.050] W = up to 1.52 [.060] 24–20 [0.24–0.61] D-129-05 — D-714-01 —— W = 1.27 [.050] to 24–20 [0.24–0.61] D-129-03 — — — D-714-00 2.28 [.090] W = 2.28 [.090] to 24–20 [0.24–0.61] D-129-0043 — — — — 3.55 [.140] Part Inside Diameter Fully No.* As Supplied** Recovered† Length†† D-110-0062 1.0 [0.040] 0.6 [0.025] 16.0 [0.630] D-110-0217 1.0 [0.040] 0.6 [0.025] 9.0 [0.360] D-141-13 0.75 x 1.65 [0.030 X 0.065] 0.75 [0.030] 4.7 [0.185] D-141-22 0.75 x 1.65 [0.030 X 0.065] 0.75 [0.030] 6.0 [0.240] D-141-30 0.75 x 1.65 [0.030 X 0.065] 0.75 [0.030] 9.5 [0.375] Note: Micro SolderSleeve terminators are used for attaching leads smaller than 26 AWG (0.15 mm2) to terminals less than 0.6 [.025] wide. *The D-110 series sleeves are primarily for single wire terminations and do not have a wire stop. The D-141 series will accept either one or two wires; the parts have a built-in wire stop that will locate the wire approximately 0.76 [0.03] from bottom of terminal. **Minimum. Wire insulation must be smaller than this. When using the D-141 parts for two-wire terminations, the com- bined wire insulation diameters must be less than 1.5 [.060]. †Maximum. The combination of conductor diameter and terminal width and the wire insulation must be greater than this. ††The terminal length should be at least 1.2 [0.05] shorter than this. The wire strip length must be adjusted so that, when terminated, the exposed conductor is covered by the sleeve. pin W post W tab W For Fine Wire Terminations 0.15 mm 2 (26 AWG) and Smaller* Table B. D-129/141/71X Series (up to 150°C [302°F] rated) Connection-point Type and Size |
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