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D-141-30 데이터시트(PDF) 1 Page - Tyco Electronics |
D-141-30 데이터시트(HTML) 1 Page - Tyco Electronics |
1 / 4 page 8 8-39 Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are in millimeters Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514 Revised 12-04 and inches unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Japan: 81-44-900-5102 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Singapore: 65-4866-151 www.tycoelectronics.com are U.S. equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-1793-528171 Wire Termination to Pin/Post/Tab SolderSleeve Discrete Wire Terminators Applications Used for terminating wires to component terminals, such as motor tabs, con- nector pins, and switch terminals. Product selection process 1. Determine the application operating temperature. 2. From the Product Options table on the next page, select the product series appropriate for the appli- cation, based on the tem- perature required. 3. Determine your compo- nent connection point type (pin, post, or tab) and dimensions. 4. Determine your wire gauge. 5. Optional: Select tape carrier center-to-center spacing (D-71X series only). This should match center spacing of com- ponent terminals. 6. Select part number from the appropriate table: I For CWT series (applications with low- temperature wires— below 125°C [257°F]), use Table A. I For D-129/141/71X series (applications with wires rated higher than 125°C [257°F]), use Table B. Installation For proper installation of these devices, the correct heating tool and reflector attachment must be used. Either of the following Raychem heating tools are recommended: I HL1802E I AA-400 Super Heater Refer to Raychem installa- tion procedure RCPS 200- 12 (for D-129, D-141, D-71X) or RPIP 824-00 (for CWT) for detailed instructions and recommended reflector attachment. You will find ordering infor- mation for these tools see section 10. Product Facts I Transparent polyvinylidene fluoride or polyolefin insulation sleeve provides encapsulation, inspectability, strain relief, and insulation I Prefluxed solder preform offers a controlled soldering process I One-piece design means easy installation and low installed cost I Optional tape carrier provides convenience and ease of installation I UL and CUL Recognized R Available in: Americas I Europe I Asia Pacific I |
유사한 부품 번호 - D-141-30 |
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