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LTS-5303AP 데이터시트(PDF) 1 Page - Lite-On Technology Corporation |
LTS-5303AP 데이터시트(HTML) 1 Page - Lite-On Technology Corporation |
1 / 5 page 9-152 0.56" Seven-Segment Numeric LED Display LTS-5x01A/5x03A LTD-5x21A/5x23A Series LTC-5653x-01/5753x-01 Package Dimensions A.LTS-5X01A/5X03A B.LTD-5X21A/5X23A Features 0.56 inch (14.22mm) digit height Continuous uniform segments. Low power requirement. Excellent characters appearance. High brightness & high contrast. Wide viewing angle. Solid state reliability. Categorized for luminous intensity. I.C. compatiable. Easy mounting on P.C. board or socket. Description The LTS-5000A/LTD-5000A/LTC-5x53x-01 is a 0.56 inch (14.22mm) height 7-Segment single, dual and quadruple displays. AlGaAs red displays have gray face and white segments. The LTS-5000A/LTD-5000A bright red, yellow and red orange displays have gray face and white segments, and green displays have gray face and green segments. The LTC-5x53x-01 displays have gray face and white segments. The AlGaAs red 7-seven segment displys are designed for applications requiring low power consumption. They are tested and selected for the excellent low current characteristics to ensure that the segments are matched at low current. Drive current as low as 1 mA per segment is available. The AlGaAs red series devices utilize LED chips which are made from AlGaAs on a non-transparent GaAs substrate. The bright red and green series devices utilize LED chips which are made from GaP on a transparent GaPsubstrate. The yellow and red orange series devices utilize LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. 14-5x01a.p65 2000/7/11, ¤U¤È 06:54 Page 152 Adobe PageMaker 6.5C/Win |
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