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Q6016LH651 데이터시트(PDF) 2 Page - Littelfuse |
Q6016LH651 데이터시트(HTML) 2 Page - Littelfuse |
2 / 9 page 108 Revised: November 1, 2010 05:04 PM ©2010 Littelfuse, Inc Teccor® brand Thyristors Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to http://www.littelfuse.com for current information. 15 Amp Standard & 16 Amp Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs Qxx15xx & Qxx16xHx Series Electrical Characteristics (T J = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) — Standard Triac Symbol Test Conditions Quadrant Value Unit I GT V D = 12V RL = 60 Ω I – II – III MAX. 50 mA V GT I – II – III MAX. 2.0 V V GD V D = VDRM RL = 3.3 kΩ TJ = 125°C I – II – III MIN. 0.2 V I H I T = 100mA MAX. 70 mA dv/dt V D = VDRM Gate Open TJ = 125°C 400V MIN. 275 V/μs 600V 225 800V 200 V D = VDRM Gate Open TJ = 100°C 1000V 200 (dv/dt)c (di/dt)c = 8.1 A/ms T J = 125°C MIN. 4 V/μs t gt I G = 2 x IGT PW = 15μs I T = 22.6 A(pk) TYP. 4 μs Absolute Maximum Ratings — Alternistor Triac (3 Quadrants) Symbol Parameter Value Unit I T(RMS) RMS on-state current (full sine wave) Qxx16LHy T C = 80°C 16 A Qxx16RHy Qxx16NHy T C = 90°C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle, T J initial = 25°C) f = 50 Hz t = 20 ms 167 A f = 60 Hz t = 16.7 ms 200 I2t I2t Value for fusing t p = 8.3 ms 166 A2s di/dt Critical rate of rise of on-state current f = 120 Hz T J = 125°C 100 A/μs I GTM Peak gate trigger current t p ≤ 10 μs; I GT ≤ IGTM T J = 125°C 2.0 A P G(AV) Average gate power dissipation T J = 125°C 0.5 W T stg Storage temperature range -40 to 150 ºC T J Operating junction temperature range -40 to 125 ºC Note: xx = voltage, y = sensitivity Absolute Maximum Ratings — Standard Triac Symbol Parameter Value Unit I T(RMS) RMS on-state current (full sine wave) Qxx15Ly T C = 80°C 15 A Qxx15Ry Qxx15Ny T C = 90°C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle, T J initial = 25°C) f = 50 Hz t = 20 ms 167 A f = 60 Hz t = 16.7 ms 200 I2t I2t Value for fusing t p = 8.3 ms 166 A2s di/dt Critical rate of rise of on-state current f = 120 Hz T J = 125°C 100 A/μs I GTM Peak gate trigger current t p ≤ 10 μs I GT ≤ IGTM T J = 125°C 2.0 A P G(AV) Average gate power dissipation T J = 125°C 0.5 W T stg Storage temperature range -40 to 150 ºC T J Operating junction temperature range -40 to 125 ºC Note: xx = voltage, y = sensitivity |
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