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Q6016LH651 데이터시트(PDF) 7 Page - Littelfuse |
Q6016LH651 데이터시트(HTML) 7 Page - Littelfuse |
7 / 9 page 113 Revised: November 1, 2010 05:04 PM ©2010 Littelfuse, Inc Teccor® brand Thyristors Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to http://www.littelfuse.com for current information. 15 Amp Standard & 16 Amp Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs Qxx15xx & Qxx16xHx Series Dimension Inches Millimeters Min Max Min Max A 0.360 0.370 9.14 9.40 B 0.380 0.420 9.65 10.67 C 0.178 0.188 4.52 4.78 D 0.025 0.035 0.64 0.89 E 0.045 0.060 1.14 1.52 F 0.060 0.075 1.52 1.91 G 0.095 0.105 2.41 2.67 H 0.092 0.102 2.34 2.59 J 0.018 0.024 0.46 0.61 K 0.090 0.110 2.29 2.79 S 0.590 0.625 14.99 15.88 V 0.035 0.045 0.89 1.14 U 0.002 0.010 0.05 0.25 W 0.040 0.070 1.02 1.78 Dimension Inches Millimeters Min Max Min Max A 0.380 0.420 9.65 10.67 B 0.105 0.115 2.67 2.92 C 0.230 0.250 5.84 6.35 D 0.590 0.620 14.99 15.75 E 0.142 0.147 3.61 3.73 F 0.110 0.130 2.79 3.30 G 0.540 0.575 13.72 14.60 H 0.025 0.035 0.64 0.89 J 0.195 0.205 4.95 5.21 K 0.095 0.105 2.41 2.67 L 0.060 0.075 1.52 1.91 M 0.085 0.095 2.16 2.41 N 0.018 0.024 0.46 0.61 O 0.178 0.188 4.52 4.78 P 0.045 0.060 1.14 1.52 R 0.038 0.048 0.97 1.22 Dimensions — TO-220AB (L-Package) — Isolated Mounting Tab Dimensions — TO-263AB (N-Package) — D2Pak Surface Mount K J A H G B F E C D L R T C MEASURING POINT AREA (REF.) 0.17 IN2 MT2 O P N M MT1 GATE .320 8.13 .526 13.36 .276 7.01 G B A W D F V S MT1 MT2 C E K H J U .320 8.13 .276 7.01 .331 8.41 GATE .460 .665 16.89 .260 6.60 .150 3.81 .080 2.03 .085 .055 1.40 .350 8.89 .276 7.01 AREA: 0.11 T C MEASURING POINT IN2 1168 2.16 7.01 .276 Note: Maximum torque to be applied to mounting tab is 8 in-lbs. (0.904 Nm). |
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