전자부품 데이터시트 검색엔진 |
H5149NL 데이터시트(PDF) 1 Page - Pulse A Technitrol Company |
H5149NL 데이터시트(HTML) 1 Page - Pulse A Technitrol Company |
1 / 2 page H553.B (09/11) 1 pulseelectronics.com 1000Base-T, Single Port Magnetics Modules Set-top Boxes, Routers, and SOHOs RoHS peak reflow temperature rating 245°C Small footprint saves board space Compliant with IEEE 802.3ab standard for 1000BASE-T H5138NL Mechanicals USA 858 674 8100 Germany 49 7032 7806 0 Singapore 65 6287 8998 Shanghai 86 21 62787060 China 86 755 33966678 Taiwan 886 3 4356768 Electrical Specifications @ 25°C - Operating Temperature 0°C to 70°C Part Number Insertion Loss (dB MAX) Return Loss (dB MIN @ 100 Ω) Differential to Common Mode Rejection (dB MIN) Crosstalk (dB MIN) Hipot (Vrms MIN) 1-100 MHz 1-30 MHz 40-50 MHz 60-80 MHz 100 MHz 30 MHz 60 MHz 100 MHz 30 MHz 60 MHz 100 MHz H5138NL -1.0 -18 -16 -12 -10 -43 -37 -33 -45 -40 -35 1500 H5149NL -1.0 -18 -16 -12 -10 -43 -37 -33 -45 -40 -35 1500 HX5149NL -1.0 -16 -14.4 -12 -10 -43 -37 -33 -45 -40 -35 1500 Notes: 1. Add the suffix “T” to the end of the part number for Tape & Reel option, e.g. H5138NL becomes H5138NLT. 2. MSL = Moisture Sensitivity Level = 1 3. Extended operating temperature (-40°C to + 85°C) 2 2 2, 3 H5149NL, HX5149NL .004/0,10 24 SURFACES .410 10,4 .390 9,91 .700 17,8 24X .030 0,76 SUGGESTED LAND PATTERN .180 MAX 4,57 .005 MIN 0,13 24X .035 .045 0,89 0,89 .050 1,27 .290 7,37 .550 13,97 .450 11,43 H5138NL Date Code Country of Origin .050 1,27 24X .020 0,50 11X .050 1,27 = .550 14,0 H/HX5149NL Date Code Country of Origin .004/0,10 24 SURFACES .410 10,4 .390 9,91 .700 17,8 24X .030 0,76 SUGGESTED LAND PATTERN .126 MAX 3,20 .005 MIN 0,13 24X .035 .045 0,89 1,14 .050 1,27 .050 1,27 .290 7,37 .550 13,97 .450 11,43 24X .015 0,38 11X .050 1,27 = .550 14,0 Weight .........................0.4 grams Tape & Reel ............................400 Tube ..........................................25 Weight .........................0.4 grams Tape & Reel ............................400 Tube ..........................................25 Dimensions: Unless otherwise specified, all tolerances are ± Inches mm .010 0,25 |
유사한 부품 번호 - H5149NL |
유사한 설명 - H5149NL |
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