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IDT7200L 데이터시트(PDF) 9 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT7200L 데이터시트(HTML) 9 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
9 / 13 page 9 IDT7200/7201A/7202A CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 256 x 9, 512 x 9 and 1,024 x 9 MILITARY, INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES R W HF t RHF 2679 drw 11 HALF-FULL OR LESS MORE THAN HALF-FULL HALF-FULL OR LESS t WHF Figure 9. Half-Full Flag Timing R W XO 2679 drw 12 WRITE TO LAST PHYSICAL LOCATION t XOL t XOH READ FROM LAST PHYSICAL LOCATION t XOL t XOH Figure 10. Expansion Out W R XI WRITE TO FIRST PHYSICAL LOCATION t XIS READ FROM FIRST PHYSICAL LOCATION t XIS t XI t XIR 2679 drw 13 Figure 11. Expansion In OPERATING MODES: Care must be taken to assure that the appropriate flag is monitored by each system (i.e. FF is monitored on the device where W is used; EF is monitored on the device where R is used). For additional information, refer to Tech Note 8: Oper- ating FIFOs on Full and Empty Boundary Conditions and Tech Note 6: Designing with FIFOs. Single Device Mode A single IDT7200/7201A/7202A may be used when the application requirements are for 256/512/1,024 words or less. These devices are in a Single Device Configuration when the Expansion In ( XI) control input is grounded (see Figure 12). Depth Expansion The IDT7200/7201A/7202A can easily be adapted to appli- cations when the requirements are for greater than 256/512/ 1,024 words. Figure 14 demonstrates Depth Expansion using three IDT7200/7201A/7202As. Any depth can be attained by adding additional IDT7200/7201A/7202As. These FIFOs operate in the Depth Expansion mode when the following conditions are met: 1. The first device must be designated by grounding the First Load ( FL) control input. 2. All other devices must have FL in the high state. 3. The Expansion Out ( XO) pin of each device must be tied to the Expansion In ( XI) pin of the next device. See Figure 14. 4. External logic is needed to generate a composite Full Flag ( FF) and Empty Flag (EF). This requires the ORing of all EFs and ORing of all FFs (i.e. all must be set to generate the correct composite FF or EF). See Figure 14. 5. The Retransmit ( RT) function and Half-Full Flag (HF) are not available in the Depth Expansion Mode. For additional information, refer to Tech Note 9: Cascad- ing FIFOs or FIFO Modules. |
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