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IDT72131 데이터시트(PDF) 11 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT72131 데이터시트(HTML) 11 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
11 / 13 page 5.34 11 IDT72131, IDT72141 CMOS PARALLEL-TO-SERIAL FIFO 2048 x 9 & 4096 x 9 COMMERCIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES Width Expansion Configuration In the cascaded case, word widths of more than 9 bits can be achieved by using more than one device. By tying the SOX line of the least significant device HIGH and the SOX of the subsequent devices to the appropriate Data Set lines of the previous devices, a cascaded serial word is achieved. On the first LOW-to-HIGH clock edge of SOCP, all lines go LOW. Just as in the standalone case, on each corresponding clock cycle, the equivalent Data Set line goes HIGH in order of least to most significant. When the Data Set line which is connected to the SOX input of the next device goes HIGH, the D0 of that device goes HIGH, the cascading from one device to the next. The Data Set line of the most significant bit programs the serial word width by being connected to all NR inputs. The Serial Data Output (SO) of each device in the serial word must be tied together. Since the SO pin is three stated, only the device which is currently shifting out is enabled and driving the 1-bit-bus. 2751 drw 16 SOCP V CC 0 Q OF FIFO #1 AND SOX OF FIFO #2 8 SOCP SOX SERIAL OUTPUT CLOCK XI SERIAL DATA OUTPUT GND PARALLEL DATA IN 16-BITS WIDE D 0-8 NR Q 8 SO FIFO #1 SOCP SOX XI D 0-6 NR Q6 SO FIFO #2 GND 1 7 8 9 101415 0 Q6 OF FIFO #2 AND NR OF FIFO #1 AND FIFO #2 9 7 Figure 13. Width Wxpansion for 16-bit Parallel Data In. The Parallel Data In is tied to D0-8 of FIFO #1 and D0-6 of FIFO #2. |
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