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ML4426 데이터시트(PDF) 6 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
ML4426 데이터시트(HTML) 6 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
6 / 16 page 6 ML4426 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL The ML4426 provides all the circuitry for sensorless speed control of 3-phase Brushless DC (BLDC) motors. Controller functions include start-up circuitry, back-EMF commutation control, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) speed control, fixed OFF-time current limiting, braking, and undervoltage protection. The start-up circuitry aligns the motor to a known position, then ramps up the motor speed to generate a back-EMF signal. A back-EMF sampling circuit controls commutation timing by forming a Phase Locked Loop (PLL). The commutation control circuitry also outputs a speed feedback (SPEED FB) signal used in the speed control loop. The speed control loop consists of an error amplifier and PWM comparator that produce a PWM duty cycle for speed regulation. Motor current is limited by a fixed OFF-time PWM shutdown comparator that is controlled by an external sense resistor. Commutation control, PWM speed control, and current limiting are combined to produce the output driver signals. Six output drivers are used to provide gating signals to an external 3 phase bridge power stage sized for the BLDC motor voltage and current requirements. Additional functions include a braking function and undervoltage protection circuit to shut down the output drivers in the event of a low voltage condition on VDD of the ML4426. COMPONENT SELECTION Selecting external components for the ML4426 requires calculations based on the motor’s electrical and mechanical parameters. The following is a list of the motor parameters needed for these calculations : DC motor supply voltage – VMOTOR (V) Maximum operating current – IMAX (A) Number of magnetic poles – N Back EMF constant – Ke (V-s/Rad) Motor torque constant – Kt (Nm/A) (Kt = Ke in SI units) Maximum speed of operation RPMMAX (RPM) Moment of inertia of the motor and load – J (Kg-m2) Viscous damping factor of the motor and load – z If one or more of the above values is not known, it is still possible to pick components for the ML4426, but some experimentation may be necessary to determine the optimal values. All quantities are in SI units unless otherwise specified. The following formulas should be considered as a starting point for optimization. All calculations for capacitors and resistors should be used as the first approximation for selecting the closest standard value. POWER SUPPLY AND REFERENCE The supply voltage (VDD) is nominally 12V ±10%. A 100nF bypass capacitor to ground should be placed as close as possible to VDD. A 6.9V voltage reference output (VREF) is provided to set the speed command and current limit of the ML4426. A 137k W from RREF to GND is required to set up a reference current for internal functions. OUTPUT DRIVERS The output drivers LA, LB, LC, HA, HB, and HC provide totem pole output drive signals for a 3 phase bridge power stage. All control functions in the ML4426 translate to outputs at these pins. LA, LB, and LC provide the low-side drive signals for phases A, B, and C of the 3 phase power stage and are 12V active high signals. HA, HB, and HC provide the high-side signals and are 12V active low signals. MOTOR PHASE C MOTOR PHASE B MOTOR PHASE A VMOTOR 12V RSENSE DC SUPPLY CAPACITOR HA LA HB LB HC LC Figure 1. Using RSENSE in a 3-Phase 12V Power Stage |
유사한 부품 번호 - ML4426 |
유사한 설명 - ML4426 |
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