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ML4435 데이터시트(PDF) 7 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
ML4435 데이터시트(HTML) 7 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
7 / 14 page May, 2000 PRELIMINARY DATASHEET 7 PRELIMINARY ML4435 mutation to achieve rotational motion. Electronic com- mutation requires the switching on and off of the power switches of a 3 phase half bridge. For torque production to be achieved in one direction the commutation is dic- tated by the rotor’s position. Electronic commutation in the ML4435 is achieved by turning on and off, in the proper sequence, one L output from one phase and one H output from another phase. There are six combinations of L and H outputs (six switching states) that constitute a full commutation cycle as illustrated in Table 1 labeled state A through F. This switching sequence is programmed into the commutation state machine as illustrated in Figure 6. Clocking of the commutation state machine is provided by the output of a VCO. VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR The VCO outputs a TTL compatible clock on the TACH (pin 2) proportional to the input voltage to the voltage controlled oscillator SPEED FB (pin 18). The proportion of frequency to voltage or VCO constant Kv is set by a resistor to ground on RVCO (pin 4) and capacitor to ground on CVCO (pin 20) as shown in Figure 7. RVCO sets up a current proportional to the VCO input voltage SPEED FB minus 0.7V. This current is used to charge and discharge CVCO between the threshold voltages of 2V and 3.75V as shown in Figure 7. RVCO has a lower voltage limit of 0.2V. The resulting triangle wave of CVCO corresponds to the clock on the TACH pin, this is also illustrated in Figure 7. Kv should be set so that the VCO output frequency corresponds to the maximum commutation frequency FMAX and thus the maximum motor speed when the VCO input is equal to or slightly less than 6V. CVCO and RVCO can be selected by first calculating FMAX and then using the selection graph in Figure 8. FMAX is calculated as follows: FMAX = 0.05 x RPMMAX x N Where: RPMMAX = The maximum speed of operation (RPM). N = The number of magnetic poles (Unitless). TACH The TACH (pin 2) outputs the VCO frequency. This is 6 Figure 6. Commutation State Machine 3s POWER ON RESET PULSE CLK VCO A B C D E F R COMMUTATION STATE MACHINE Figure 7. VCO Control RVCO SPEED FB 0.9V VOLTA E CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR LEVEL SHIFT 0. V CVCO 3. 5V 2V 4 20 - + Table 1. Communication Control States OUTPUT DRIVERS A LA LB LC HA HB HC LOW LOW HI H LOW HI H HI H LOW LOW HI H HI H LOW HI H HI H LOW LOW HI H LOW HI H HI H LOW LOW HI H HI H LOW LOW HI H LOW HI H HI H LOW LOW = DRIVER ON HI H LOW LOW HI H HI H B C D E F FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION |
유사한 부품 번호 - ML4435 |
유사한 설명 - ML4435 |
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