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I-TYPE 데이터시트(PDF) 1 Page - Emcore Corporation

부품명 I-TYPE
상세설명  Externally-Modulated Transmitter
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제조업체  EMCORE [Emcore Corporation]
홈페이지  http://www.emcore.com
Logo EMCORE - Emcore Corporation

I-TYPE 데이터시트(HTML) 1 Page - Emcore Corporation

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| REV 2013.11
Information contained herein is deemed reliable and accurate as of the issue date. EMCORE reserves the right to change the design or specification at any time without notice.
High-Performance Supertrunking Links
High-Power Distribution Networks
Redundant Ring Architectures
FTTx Networks
oG Applications
Optimized for International CATV
DWDM Node Splitting
Single or Dual Optical Outputs
QAM Loading to 1003 MHz
Dual Power Supplies, Redundant &
Hot Swappable
Front Panel RF Test Point
Vacuum Fluorescent Status Display
OMI / RF Gain Adjustment
AGC Select: CW, Video, Manual
(No AGC)
Industry Leading Field Adjustable
SBS Suppression
The I-Type Medallion 6000 Series
The I-Type Medallion 6000 series is a family of state-of-the-art high-performance 1550 nm
externally-modulated CATV fiber optic transmitters optimized for International network
applications that employ an 85 MHz forward / reverse path split frequency. Packaged in a
convenient 1 RU housing, this line of optical transmitters couples high optical output power,
up to 10.0 dBm, with low optical linewidth resulting in unmatched performance. The optical
modulator, combined with proprietary pre-distortion circuitry, provides superior CTB and
CSO performance with adjustable SBS suppression levels of greater than 19 dBm.
The I-Type transmitter’s exceptional performance is enabled by EMCORE’s proprietary
high power, narrow linewidth CW (Continuous Wave) laser technology. When deployed
with one or more EMCORE optical amplifiers, transmissions of 150 km can be achieved.
The feature-rich WEB GUI and SNMP interface bring a whole suite of advanced operator
monitoring and configuration options to the platform, allowing for secure, simplified and
future-ready functionality for the next generation of intelligent networks.
Advanced features such as built-in field adjustable SBS control allow these transmitters to
be quickly optimized in the field for any link or application without the need to procure
specifically tuned transmitters.
I-Type transmitters are specially designed and optimized to support fiber optic links of up to
150 km for the international marketplace and other markets with similar requirements.
Monitoring and configuration is supported via a convenient front panel display, an RS-232
port, and an Ethernet port with SNMP, Telnet, and Web GUI. The platform is mechanically
designed for flexibility and space efficiency including universal rack-mount features,
modular front panel design, and optional front and rear port placement. Dual redundant
field-replaceable fans and power supplies are standard.
I-Type Medallion 6000 1550 nm
Externally-Modulated Transmitter

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