전자부품 데이터시트 검색엔진 |
TMCM-1161 데이터시트(PDF) 8 Page - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
TMCM-1161 데이터시트(HTML) 8 Page - TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. |
8 / 20 page TMCM-1161 V1.0 Hardware Manual (Rev. 1.14 / 2013-JUL-23) 8 www.trinamic.com 3.2.1 Interface and Power Supply Connector Pin Label Description 1 GND Module and signal ground 2 VCC 10… 30V DC power supply / nom. 24V DC 3 RS485A+ RS485 non-inverted bus signal 4 RS485B- RS485 inverted bus signal 5 RS232_TxD RS232 transmit data from module 6 RS232_RxD RS232 receive data to module Table 3.1 Connector for power supply and interfaces Power Supply When using supply voltages near the upper limit, a regulated power supply is mandatory. The power supply should be designed in a way, that it supplies the nominal motor voltage at the desired maximum motor power. To ensure reliable operation of the unit, the power supply has to have a sufficient output capacitor and the supply cables should have a low resistance, so that the chopper operation does not lead to an increased power supply ripple directly at the unit. Power supply ripple due to the chopper operation should be kept at a maximum of a few 100mV. HINTS FOR POWER SUPPLY CABLES - Keep power supply cables as short as possible. - Use large diameters for power supply cables. CAUTION! Add external power supply capacitors! It is recommended to connect an electrolytic capacitor of significant size (2200µF or larger recommended) to the power supply lines next to the TMCM-1161 especially if the distance to the power supply is large (i.e. more than 2-3m)! Rule of thumb for size of electrolytic capacitor: In addition to power stabilization (buffer) and filtering this added capacitor will also reduce any voltage spikes which might otherwise occur from a combination of high inductance power supply wires and the ceramic capacitors. In addition it will limit slew- rate of power supply voltage at the module. The low ESR of ceramic-only filter capacitors may cause stability problems with some switching power supplies. Do not connect or disconnect motor during operation! Motor cable and motor inductivity might lead to voltage spikes when the motor is disconnected / connected while energized. These voltage spikes might exceed voltage limits of the driver MOSFETs and might permanently damage them. Therefore, always disconnect power supply before connecting / disconnecting the motor. Keep the power supply voltage below the upper limit of 30V! Otherwise the driver electronics will seriously be damaged! Especially, when the selected operating voltage is near the upper limit a regulated power supply is highly recommended. Please see chapter 6 also (operating values). There is no reverse polarity protection! The module will short any reversed supply voltage due to internal diodes of the driver transistors. |
유사한 부품 번호 - TMCM-1161 |
유사한 설명 - TMCM-1161 |
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