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7--59683--6 데이터시트(PDF) 6 Page - TE Connectivity Ltd

부품명 7--59683--6
상세설명  Cumulative Trauma Disorders can result from the prolonged use ofmanually powered hand tools.
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제조업체  TEC [TE Connectivity Ltd]
홈페이지  http://www.te.com/usa-en/home.html
Logo TEC - TE Connectivity Ltd

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Rev E
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D. CERTI- CRIMP Hand Crimping Tool Ratchet
Control Inspection
The CERTI--CRIMP hand crimping tool ratchet control
feature on TE hand tools should be checked to
ensure that the ratchet does not release prematurely,
allowing the dies to open before they have fully
bottomed. Obtain a 0.025 mm [.001 in.] shim that is
suitable for checking the clearance between the
bottoming surfaces of the crimping dies. Proceed as
1. Select the maximum size wire for the tool and a
2. Position the terminal and wire between the
crimping dies as described in Section 3.
3. Hold wire in place and squeeze tool handles
until the CERTI--CRIMP hand crimping tool ratchet
control releases. Hold the handles in this position,
maintaining just enough tension to keep the dies
4. Check the clearance between the bottoming
surfaces of the crimping dies with the 0.025 mm
[.001 in.] shim. If the clearance is 0.025 mm
[.001 in.] or less, the ratchet is considered
satisfactory. If the clearance exceeds 0.025 mm
[.001 in.], the ratchet is out of adjustment and must
be repaired.
Replaceable parts are listed in Figure 7. Parts other
than those listed in Figure 7 should be replaced by TE
to ensure quality and reliability of the tool. Order
replacement parts through your TE Representative, or
call 1--800--526--5142, or send a facsimile of your
purchase order to 1--717--986--7605, or write to:
P.O. BOX 3608
HARRISBURG, PA 17105--3608
For tool repair service, please contact a TE
Representative at 1--800--526--5136.
Updated document to corporate requirements
Added Figure 7

유사한 설명 - 7--59683--6

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