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7--59683--6 데이터시트(PDF) 1 Page - TE Connectivity Ltd

부품명 7--59683--6
상세설명  Cumulative Trauma Disorders can result from the prolonged use ofmanually powered hand tools.
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04 JAN 12 Rev E
Terminal Crimping Tools
Cumulative Trauma Disorders can result from the prolonged use of manually powered hand tools. Hand tools are intended for occasional use and low volume
applications. A wide selection of powered application equipment for extended--use, production operations is available.
Figure 1
Crimping Dies
Hand Crimping Tool
Ratchet Control
Insulation Crimping
Adjustment Pin
Movable Crimping
Dies (Indenters)
This instruction sheet covers hand crimping tools
576778, 576779, 576780, 576781, 576782, 576783,
and 576784 which are used to crimp PIDG
STRATO--THERM Terminals to the wire sizes listed in
Figure 2.
Dimensions on this instruction sheet are in
millimeters [with inches in brackets]. Figures and
illustrations are for identification only and are not
drawn to scale.
Each tool features a head containing two stationary
crimping dies (anvils) and two movable crimping dies
(indenters), a locator, an insulation crimping
adjustment pin, and a CERTI--CRIMP hand crimping
tool ratchet control. See Figure 1.
When closed, the crimping dies form one crimping
chamber with two sections: an insulation barrel
section and a wire barrel section. The insulation barrel
section crimps the terminal onto the wire insulation
and, simultaneously, the wire barrel section crimps
the terminal wire barrel onto the stripped wire. The
locator positions the terminal in the crimping chamber.
The insulation crimping adjustment pin is used to
regulate the height of the insulation crimp.
The CERTI--CRIMP hand crimping tool ratchet control
ensures full crimping of the terminal. Once engaged,
the ratchet will not release until the tool handles have
been FULLY closed.
The crimping dies bottom before the
CERTI--CRIMP hand crimping tool ratchet control
releases. This design feature ensures maximum
electrical and tensile performance of the crimp.
Do NOT re--adjust the ratchet.

유사한 설명 - 7--59683--6

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