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ADL6010SCPZN-R2 데이터시트(PDF) 8 Page - Analog Devices |
ADL6010SCPZN-R2 데이터시트(HTML) 8 Page - Analog Devices |
8 / 23 page ADL6010 Data Sheet Rev. E | Page 8 of 23 PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS NOTES 1. EXPOSED PAD. THE EXPOSED PAD (EPAD) ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE DEVICE IS ALSO INTERNALLY CONNECTED TO GROUND AND REQUIRES GOOD THERMAL AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTION TO THE GROUND OF THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOAR CONNECT ALL GROUND PINS TO A LOW IMPEDANCE GROUND PLANE TOGETHER WITH THE EPAD. 6 COMM 4 VPOS 5 VOUT 1 RFCM 3 RFCM 2 RFIN ADL6010 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) Figure 2. 6-Lead LFCSP Pin Configuration ADL6010 TOP VIEW (CIRCUIT SIDE) (Not to Scale) 4 6 1 5 RFCM RFCM RFIN 2 3 COMM VOUT VPOS Figure 3. 6-Pad Bare Die Pin Configuration Table 3. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. Mnemonic Description 1 COMM Device Ground. Connect COMM to the system ground using a low impedance ground plane together with the exposed pad (EPAD). 2 VOUT Output Voltage. The output from the VOUT pin is proportional to the envelope value at the RFIN pin. 3 VPOS Supply Voltage. The operational range is from 4.75 V to 5.25 V. Decouple the power supply using the suggested capacitor values of 100 pF and 0.1 µF and locate these capacitors as close as possible to the VPOS pin. 4, 6 RFCM Device Grounds. Connect the RFCM pins to the system ground using a low impedance ground plane together with the exposed pad (EPAD). 5 RFIN Signal Input. The RFIN pin is ac-coupled and has an RF input impedance of approximately 50 Ω. EPAD1 Exposed Pad. The exposed pad (EPAD) on the underside of the device is also internally connected to ground and requires good thermal and electrical connection to the ground of the printed circuit board (PCB). Connect all ground pins to a low impedance ground plane together with the EPAD. 1 Not applicable for the 6-pad bare die. |
유사한 부품 번호 - ADL6010SCPZN-R2 |
유사한 설명 - ADL6010SCPZN-R2 |
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