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ML4411ACS 데이터시트(PDF) 8 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
ML4411ACS 데이터시트(HTML) 8 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
8 / 14 page 8 ML4411/ML4411A The motor will start more consistently and tolerate a wider variation in open loop step rate if there is some damping on the motor (such as head drag) during the open loop modes. The tolerance of the open loop step VCO acceleration dF dt VCO depends on the tolerances of KVCO, IRAMP, C1, C2, and CVCO. For more optimum spin up times, these variables can be digitally “calibrated” out by the microprocessor using the following procedure: 1. Reset the IC by holding pin 16 low for at least 5µs. 2. Go into open loop step mode with no current on the motor and measure the difference between the first two complete VCO periods with the PWM signal at 50% duty cycle: ENABLE E/A = (see below) ICMD = 0V PWM OUT = 50% I(RAMP) VCO/TACH OUT PWM OUT IN MicroP ML4411 Figure 7. Auto-Calibration of Open-Loop Step Rate. 3. Compute a correction factor to adjust IRAMP current by changing the PWM duty cycle from the Micro (D.C.) DC NEW F DESIRED F MEASURED VCO VCO ..( ) % () () =× 50 ∆ ∆ 4. Use new computed duty cycle for open loop stepping mode and proceed with a normal start-up sequence. If this auto calibration is used ENABLE E/A can be tied permanently high, eliminating a line from the Micro. Since there is offset associated with the Phase Detector Error Amp (E/A), more current than is being injected by IRAMP may be taken out of pin 20 if the offset is positive (into pin 20) if the error amp were enabled during the open loop stepping mode. In that case, VVCO would not rise and the motor would not step properly. The effect of E/A offset can also be canceled out by the auto calibration algorithm described above allowing the E/A to be permanently enabled. A sC V OTA = × − 1 875 10 4 . PWM AND LINEAR CURRENT CONTROL To facilitate speed control, the ML4411 includes two current control loops — linear and PWM (figure 9). The linear control loop senses the motor current on the ISENSE terminal through RSENSE. An internal current sense amplifier’s (A2) output modulates the gates of the 3 N- channel MOSFET’s when OTA OUT is tied to OTA IN, or can modulate a single MOSFET gate tied to OTA OUT. When operated in this mode, OTA IN is tied to 12V, and N1-N3 are saturated switches. This method produces the lowest current ripple at the expense of an extra MOSFET. The linear current control modulates the gates of the external MOSFET drivers. Amplifier A2 is a transconductance amplifier which amplifies the difference between ICMD and ISENSE. The transconductance gain of A2 is: gm =× − 1 875 10 4 . The current loop is compensated by COTA which forms a pole given by ωP OTA C = × − 9 375 10 4 . This time constant should be fast enough so that the current loop settles in less than 10% of TVCO at the highest motor speed to avoid torque ripple to VTH mismatch of the N-Channel MOSFETs. The ISENSE input pin should be kept below 1V. If ISENSE goes above 1V, a bias current of about –300µA will flow out of pin 12 and the N outputs will be inhibited. Bringing ISENSE below 0.7V removes the bias current to its normal level. For this reason, the noise filter resistor on the ISENSE pin (1Ký on Figure 10) should be less than 1.5Ký. The noise filter time constant should be great enough to filter the leading edge current spike when the N-FETs turn on but small enough to avoid excessive phase shift in the ISENSE signal. OUTPUT DRIVERS The motor’s source drivers (P1 thru P3) are open-collector NPN’s with internal 16Ký pull-up resistors. N3is inhibited until P3 is within 1.4V (typ) of VCC2 on the ML4411A. Drivers N1 through N3 are totem-pole outputs capable of sourcing and sinking 10mA. Switching noise in the external MOSFETs can be reduced by adding resistance in series with the gates. |
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