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ML4425CS 데이터시트(PDF) 12 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
ML4425CS 데이터시트(HTML) 12 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
12 / 16 page 12 ML4425 CROSS CONDUCTION COMPARATOR When the ML4425 goes from align mode into ramp mode, there is a possibility of cross conduction in phase 3 of the bridge power stage. This cross conduction can happen when HC is on in the align mode shown as state R in Table 1, and the controller transitions to state A in ramp mode where HC is turned off and LC is turned on. Cross conduction can appear due to the differences in turn on and turn off times of the power devices. To solve this problem, the LC output driver is gated off until the HC is equal to VDD – 3V as shown in Figure 10. BRAKING When the BRAKE pin is pulled below 1.4V, the low side output drivers LA, LB, and LC are turned on and the high side output drivers HA, HB, HC are turned off. Braking causes rapid deceleration of the motor and current limiting is de-activated, and care should be taken when using the BRAKE pin. BRAKE is has an internal 4k W pull- up as shown in Figure 10, and can be driven by a switch to ground, an open collector or drain logic signal, or a TTL logic signal. UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT Undervoltage lockout is used to protect the 3-phase bridge power stage from a low VDD condition. Undervoltage is triggered at VDD of 9.5V or less and is indicated by a TTL low output on the UV FAULT pin. Undervoltage lockout also turns off all output drivers (LA, LB, LC, HA, HB, and HC). The comparator that triggers undervoltage lockout has 150mV of hystresis. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS INTERFACING TO A 3-PHASE BRIDGE POWER STAGE The ML4425 output drivers are configured to drive a 3 phase bridge power stage. For applications with buss voltages from 12V up to 80V, level shifting circuitry can be used to drive higher voltage P-channel MOSFETS for the high side switches as shown in Figure 11. The most flexible configuration is to use high side drivers to control N-Channel MOSFETs (or IGBTs) which allows applications from less than 12V up to 600V. Figure 12 shows the interface between the ML4425 and IR2118 high side drivers from International Rectifier. This configuration is capable of driving motors from busses of up to 320V. The BRAKE pin can be pulsed prior to startup with an RC circuit. This charges the bootstrap capacitors (C19, C20, and C21) for the three high side drivers, allowing the reset phase to operate normally. These capacitors must be sized so that they stay sufficiently charged during the align mode. Refer to AN-43 for additional applications information on the ML4425. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (Continued) 2 4 3 9 10 HA HB HC LA LB GATING LOGIC & OUTPUT DRIVERS – + 1.4V 9.5V 25 BRAKE VDD 4k Ω 14 VDD 28 GND 27 RREF 11 LC REFERENCE 18 UV FAULT 7 VREF FROM COMMUTATION STATE MACHINE FROM SPEED CONTROL LOOP & CURRENT LIMIT + – Figure 10. Cross Conduction, Brake, and UVLO Circuits |
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