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ML4435 데이터시트(PDF) 1 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
ML4435 데이터시트(HTML) 1 Page - Micro Linear Corporation |
1 / 14 page ML4435 Sensorless BLDC Motor Controller The ML4435 provides all the circuitry for sensorless speed control of 3 phase Brushless DC Motors. Controller functions include start-up circuitry, Back EMF commuta- tion control, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) speed con- trol, pulse-by-pulse current limiting, motor coasting, and under-voltage protection. Motor starting is accomplished by commutating the motor at a low frequency to produce low speed motion. The low speed motion is used to generate a Back EMF signal. A back EMF sampling circuit locks on to the motors posi- tion and controls commutation timing by forming a phase locked loop (PLL). The commutation control circuitry also outputs a speed feedback signal used in the speed control loop. The speed control loop consists of an error amplifier and PWM comparator that produces a PWM duty cycle for speed regulation. Motor current is limited by a pulse- by-pulse PWM shutdown comparator that is tripped by the voltage across an external current sense resistor. Com- mutation control, PWM speed control, and current limit- ing are combined to produce the output driver signals. Six output drivers are used to provide gating signals to an external 3 phase bridge power stage sized for the Brush- less DC (BLDC) motor voltage and current requirements. Additional functions include a motor coast function and an under voltage lock out circuit to shut down the output drivers in the event of a low voltage condition on the VCC to the ML4435. May, 2000 PRELIMINARY DATASHEET GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES n Proprietary back-EMF sensing commutation technique for motor communication without hall effect sensors n PWM pulse-by-pulse current limiting to protect motor and FET drivers n Stand-alone operation; motor starts and stops with power applied to the IC* n Soft-start function limits start-up current n PWM speed control for efficiency and minimum FET sizing n Onboard under voltage lock out and power fail detect n Tach output senses commutation of the motor PRELIMINARY * Some External Components Required. |
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